

Country: Luxembourg
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Age: 53

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May 2005

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Like Big I'll give my fews on the changes that Tarnus anouncd:


1 - Optional Time limits.   Limits players for so much omline time per day so they will have to maneage thier time or find themselves not able to login when they are in real trouble.

I agree with Big on this: It will make things more equal for those that don't have as much time to play. On the other hand, like big also mentioned, you don't have to worry about certain people attacking you once their time has maxed out. This will make them prime targets to be attacked.
On a personal level I'd find it annoying as I often have AAT running in the background with me checking in a lot and making small adjustments when I notice something.


2 - SG's will be named by the players that create them.  No longer will a player be able to pull up a galaxy map and know what the number of an SG is so they can nav for it.

This does make the game a lot harder for the attackers it would still be possible for somebody to find other people in a short game or a game with a set number of sectors.
I worry a bit about the ever lasting ever expending games like main.
Create an SG early in the game of one of those and you'll never have to come out again. Sure you can win games like that but where's the fun ?


3 - Sequential seraches ... say bye bye...   A hunter will have to explore the univers to find theier prey.  New version will have an X Y grid for navigatiom, all templates that use sector nubers will be gone, in fact sector numbers will become alpha numeric

Great. Would be even better though if there is a way to keep track of which sectors you've already visited (different colour link?).
It also may be a good way to make things a bit easier on the attackers by only allowing certain combinations for SG''s that are different from regular sectors (XX11X for SG, anything else for regular sectors).


4 - Smarter Sector Defences ....  No longer will y9ou be able to cloak a sector defence and just take the planet, Oh no!  The pain of it all, ya cloak SD and decide to attack a planet, you will find your self scraping your carcass off the floor when that SD turns on you.

Like Big I can only see the positie side to this. I love it.


5 - Galaxy map will only show what sectors you have scanned or visted.  other than that you have to use warp links or the nav grid to exploe the univers.

This makes sense to me after all, how could you go anywhere you don't know? (except maybe for the sectors adjecent to the one your in).

That's all for now folks.


Ps, enjoy your holiday TH and make sure the missus doesn't spot you when you sneak into that internet cafe

Post Date: May 20, 2005 - 7:25 am
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